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.gradient-heading { background: linear-gradient(45deg, var(--colora) 0%, var(--colora2) 100%); background-clip: text; color: transparent; }
.gradient-border { background: linear-gradient(var(--colorbody), (--colorbody)) padding-box, linear-gradient(0deg, var(--colora) 0%, (--colora2)100%) border-box; border: solid 1px transparent; }
/* parent card */ .polite-card {max-width: 400px; display: flex; flex-direction: column; background: var(--colors); border-radius: 8px; overflow: hidden;} /* text & button */ .css-card {padding: 20px;}
My face when someone expects me to be excited about something that I'm not excited about.
Learn moreCheck the full code on Codepen 👇
4K screens
.element:hover{scale: 1.05;}
.element:hover{transform: translateY(-4px);}
button:hover {background: linear-gradient(45deg, var(--col0%, var(--colora2) 100%) border-box;}
svg:hover {fill: var(--colora);}
h1 {color: transparent; -webkit-text-stroke-color: var(--colora); -webkit-text-stroke-width: 1px;} h1:hover{color: var(--colora);}
p{font-size: 5vw;}
Resize your Window
p{font-size: clamp(36px, 5vw, 72px);}
More Control
div{display: flex; gap: 20px;} div:nth-child(1){flex: 1;} div:nth-child(2){flex: 2;} div:nth-child(3){flex: 3;}
parent{scroll-snap-type: y mandatory;} children{scroll-snap-align: start;}
li{list-style: "😎 ";} li:nth-child(2){list-style: "🍞 ";} li:nth-child(3){list-style: "👖 ";}
Good Habits
.moody{ /* same code, just add bg and adjust values */}
.dashing{/* Animation */ background: linear-gradient(270deg, var(--colora), var(--colora2), var(--colora)); background-size: 300% 300%; animation: bg 10s ease-ininfinite; @keyframes bg { 0% {background-position: 0% 50%;} 50% {background-position: 100% 100%;} 100% {background-position: 0% 50%;}}
.crispy{ /* same code, just adjust values */}
@keyframes bounce {0%, 20%, 50%, 80%, 100% {transform: translateY(0);} 40% {transform: translateY(-30px);} 60% {transform: translateY(-15px);}}
Look at me
@keyframes pulse {0%, 100% {transform: scale(1);}50% {transform: scale(1.2);}}
@keyframes flip {0%{transform: rotateY(0);}100% {transform: rotateY(360deg);}}
@keyframes rotate {0%{transform: rotate(0deg);}100% {transform: rotate(360deg);}}
box-shadow: 0px 4px 4px #00000030, 0px 12px 12px #00000015;
Combine two shadows to create a more natural and true sense of depth.
The first shadow is darker and closer to the card.
The second shadow is larger and softer.
Shadows don't work in dark mode, just as in real life
Coming soon
I will continue to add more features to the list. Please keep an eye out for them.
PS. Feel free to send me CSS features to add to this list.
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1. Proven real-world designs
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